When my amazing Mum was going through cancer treatment, the thing that bothered her the most was hairloss. Mum wasn't comfortable wearing a wig and we had no idea how to pull off styling a headscarf. How I wish I'd known about the fabulous HeadWrappers charity when Mum was going through treatment.
So, we are extremely grateful to our friends at HeadWrappers for this guest blog, telling us about the support they offer and providing an insight into what happens in their hairloss workshops.
Our aim is to provide free advice and support for clients by showing them that there are alternatives to wigs. We show some simple but effective methods of tying scarves and have a large stock of specialist headwear items, such as pre-tied scarves, turbans and hats , which the clients can try on in a secure and friendly environment. Each person also chooses a 100% cotton scarf with our compliments. We do not sell anything but signpost the client in the right direction to purchase their chosen items. For further information, please see our website at www.headwrappers.org.
If you're interested in coming to one of our sessions, you can view the location and dates of our sessions here. At the moment, the majority of our sessions take place within London and the South East of England, but we do run occasional workshops further afield.
We are however, #somuchmorethanscarves and our website also provides useful information and scarf tying tutorials - perfect if you are unable to attend one of our workshops.
We are also happy to accept donations of headwear, as we can then offer those items free of charge to clients.