Chemotherapy Headwear's Guide to Tying a Chemo Headscarf
Tying a headscarf can be a pretty daunting task when you are not used to it and we're really grateful to Chemotherapy Headwear for sharing this guide with us.
We sell 2 types of head scarf from Chemotherapy Headwear; one which is integrated into a jersey hat and is often known as an 'easy-tie' head scarf, and a plain square which is most likely what you would recognise as a more traditional head scarf. Both styles have their benefits and uses and with a bit of practice they can be tied very easily and quickly.
How to tie chemo headscarves:
With chemotherapy head scarves becoming more and more popular among cancer patients we get asked many questions about how to tie them, here are some of our favourites. If you want a simple way to tie it, get a hairband and drape the fabric over your head, gathering the ends into a ponytail. On days when you want to be more creative, there are 3 common styles of wearing chemotherapy head scarves, each of which needs to be tied in a different way, these are:
The Free Spirit
Using a square chemo head scarf, fold it from corner to corner so it makes a triangle, then fold it in half once more (if needed) so it becomes a smaller triangle. Place the chemotherapy scarf on your head, the long part needs to be across the forehead and the pointed part of the scarf must be at the back of the head. To tie the scarf, pull both ends behind your ears around the back of the head.
The Grace Kelly
This is a popular look that works with all chemotherapy head scarves. Make a rectangle by folding the chemo scarf in half, then wrap the scarf around the head similar to a hood (rather like Little Red Riding Hood). The chemo scarf can be tied using the two ends at the front or if the scarf is long enough one end can be pulled over the other and it can hang down the back.
The Rosette
Drape a large square cancer scarf over the head then pull both ends of the scarf to one side so they are close to the ear. The ends of the scarf should then be knotted/tied together. Taking one tail of the scarf, twist it as thickly as possible then swirl around the knot. Finally, tie the end of the "rosette" that has just been created with the other, hanging end.