Organisations that can help with cancer related hair loss
There are several organisations within the UK that offer help and support when dealing with cancer related hair loss.
MacMillan Cancer Support - have a section on their website that covers cancer hair loss and offers suggestions for emotional and practical support. They have also put together a very comprehensive booklet called 'Coping with hair loss' covering all aspects of cancer hair loss which can be downloaded or ordered via their website.
HeadWrappers - is a hair loss advisory service, focusing on alternatives to wigs and practical tips. Their aim is to help people look good and feel more confident about themselves as they undergo cancer treatments which may cause hair loss. Headwrappers currently run individual and group online sessions, where they demonstrate how to tie scarves, discuss scalp care and talk about various types of headwear that is available. They also run their Tea, Topknots and Turbans online sessions on the 1st Thursday of each month at 13.30 and at 19.00 on the 3rd Thursday. These are informal sessions where people can share their experiences of hair loss and chat. Headwrappers also have some great video tutorials on their website showing various ways to wear and tie chemo headscarves.